Types of safety glasses


Heard about safety glasses? Not sure about what it is. Well, here is the brief- safety glass is that glass that is used for safety, that is difficult to break, and that breaks that is less of a threat than standard glass. Here are some types of safetyglasses

The below mentioned are types of safety glass:

1. Laminated glass :

This glass has a sandwich-like structure with two outer layers of glass and a thin layer of plastic in the middle.

 The plastic is bonded with the outer layers and holds the glass in place when it breaks. This produces a characteristic spider web pattern.

 As we see the laminated glass stays intact when it is broken it is commonly used for winder shield and other vehicle windows to prevent passenger ejection in the accident. It is also suitable for heights where you wish you don’t want glass falling on people below.

 Demerits could be using the laminated glass as a safety glass that it is combustible and is very difficult to break for escape or rescue.

2.    Composite glass:

It is another type of safety glass, it is a generic term for any glass that includes two or more structural materials. Like laminated glass is a composite glass. Another type of composite glass known as wired glass is perceived commonly as safety glass but isn’t healthy or safe as compared to laminated or tempered glass.


Wired glass generally breaks more quickly than regular glass. It tends to break into large shards that can be dangerous even if they are held in place by wires.

Building codes around the world recognize them. 

3. Tempered glass :

Tempered glass is another safety glass that has been treated to place its exterior into the state of compression, and its exterior into a state of tension.

This glass is heat resistant and very strong. Tempered glass is designed to completely break into small pieces that are thought to be less dangerous than large shards of glass. This makes it a poor choice for security glass; characteristics may facilitate escape and rescue sharp objects relatively quickly remove the glass.

4. Acrylic glass :

One of the best safetyglasses is acrylic glass advantage of using acrylic plastic in place of glass is that while it’s more durable, it also weighs 50% less than glass weight. Whether fabricated in a cast or extrded forms, this glass is less expensive while remaining ten times more impact resistant than glass. It is incredibly durable and it can be used in any temperature range that has superpower resistance.  

  Wrapping up :

There are many types of safety glass, every glass its features and advantages some of the above mentioned are the best safety glass one is looking for, in every safety glass we find useful features like they are resistant, easy to install, lightweight and are little cheap. Hence, they are the glasses you can go for.


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